quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Plano de aula: uma tentativa

Dia desses resolvi enfrentar o desafio de elaborar um plano de aula nos moldes exigidos pelo Curso Normal do Elisa...

Fique bem claro: não tenho a pretensão de ser modelo para nada... é, apenas, um exercício...

O enfoque, óbvio, foram as questões da linguagem.

A obra que me inspirou: Como começa?, de Silvana Tavano. Uma paixão à primeira leitura!

A autora escreve no blog Diários da bicicleta, um espaço muito instigante.

O plano pode ser acessado aqui. O texto Como começa? está aqui.

No Caderno de Atividades da 6ª Jornadinha de Literatura, nas páginas 74 e 75, há mais sugestões para trabalhar essa obra, nos primeiros e segundos anos.

Não esqueçam de deixar as sugestões nos comentários! :)

10 comentários:

    We are so glad you stopped by to check out our amazing TEACUP Pug puppies. All of our animals come fully up to date on vaccinations, heart-worm tested negative, and de-wormed, as well as neutered, and treated for any ailments found upon veterinary examination Adopt a teacup Pug puppy
    Ownership of a Pug includes a commitment that is wider in scope than providing doggy necessities and allowing this jovial little pet to occupy a portion of your home. Pug ownership is a give-and-take relationship that will continue throughout the little dog’s life. That enjoyable companionship thrives when each member of the pair respects the other and camaraderie rules the union. Your Pug will entertain you, love you, and be obedient and faithful to you if you spend time with your doggy friend.
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    Black pug puppies for sale at heart before you go in search of pug puppies for sale or adopt a pug puppy.This means that you have to keep the pug puppy price or cost of a pug puppy or a teacup puppy in mind before you harnest the interest of buying a pug online.

    Welcome to our farm where we breed Registered pomeranian puppies for sale.As a registered pomeranian puppies breeder, we have made it possible for pomeranian puppy lovers to
    buy pomeranian puppies online,buy zwergpitz pomeranian from our family run farm. Pomeranian dogs are small dogs with a weight of 1.36 to 3.17 kg and a withers height of 15 to 18 cm. They are compact but robust dogs with a lush, textured coat and a tall and flat tail. The top coat forms a fur ruff on the neck, for which poms are known, and on the hindquarters they have a margin of feathered hair.You can click HERE to view our available pomeranian puppies


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